Tamron365 isn’t just about street photography; it’s a celebration of light, shadow, and the art of seeing. Whether it’s a fleeting glance, a vivid landscape, or a candid moment frozen in time, each photograph is a piece of my creative journey—a testament to the power of visual storytelling. Dive into my world of diverse genres, explore my latest works, and join me as I navigate the streets and beyond, always with a Tamron lens at my side.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Selected B&W Flowers

It is summer and rainy and cold and windy. Yucky weather all round. So, I may as well take time to go through some of my older photos I've shot with the Tamron 18-270mm PZD and play with some Photoshop at the same time. The idea for the images below comes from some other B&W photos I've seen on Flickr. Below my results. ...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Who says a winter day cannot yield good beach photos! I have no clue what these poles were used for in time past, but, they really added interest and character to a scene that would otherwise have been just another plain beach photo. Well, I was not too happy with how these turned out in color, so I did a quick black and white conversion in Photoshop and I am very pleased with the dramatic effect. I would also like to re-iterate how pleased I am with the performance of the Tamron 18-270mm PZD. This lens is now such a natural part of my kit and I find using it more and more over my other lenses. This hold true especially for general family outings like this particular day, where I do not want to drag my whole camera bag along with me. Canon...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

On our way back from our outing (see previous post), close to home we have a new section in development. The workers had their earth moving equipment parked close to the road with quite a view in the background. Time was on my side and allowed a couple of quick pics before the sun dipped too low. Canon 600D, Tamron 18-270mm f3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD. Focal length 25mm, Exposure 1/320sec at f11, ISO 400, Focus auto, VC on, Flash none, Filter none.  Canon 600D, Tamron 18-270mm f3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD. Focal length 23mm, Exposure 1/200sec at f8, ISO 400, Focus auto, VC on, Flash none, Filter none....

Flower in the cold

It has been a while since I've last posted to this blog. Needless to say it is now winter over here, so being a winter rainfall area, my photography has also entered a slow period. The other weekend we had a break in the weather, and even though we were all battling with a cold, we went down to the beach just to get out a bit. While on our trip I spotted this little flower. This photo was deliberately taken at maximum zoom so I can get some of the busy background out of focus. Canon 600D, Tamron 18-270mm f3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD. Focal length 270mm, Exposure 1/400sec at f8, ISO 100, Focus auto, VC on, Flash none, Filter none....

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