Tamron365 isn’t just about street photography; it’s a celebration of light, shadow, and the art of seeing. Whether it’s a fleeting glance, a vivid landscape, or a candid moment frozen in time, each photograph is a piece of my creative journey—a testament to the power of visual storytelling. Dive into my world of diverse genres, explore my latest works, and join me as I navigate the streets and beyond, always with a Tamron lens at my side.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Old Store - Staglands

Staglands has a small and old mining town. This image is a composition of 3 shots taken hand held with normal dim natural lighting only. OK, it was dark inside so I had no option but to shoot at 3200 ISO. The image is grainy but that adds to the mood and time period of the scene. The slowest image was taken at f3.5 1/6 sec. With another lens this image would not have been possible, but this image is just another perfect example of how amazingly versatile this small lens is due to its brilliant image stabilizing. Photos combined into a HDR image using Photomatix. Canon 600D, Tamron 18-270mm f3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD. Focal length 18mm, Exposure 1/6 - 1/60sec at f3.5, ISO 3200, Focus auto, VC on, Flash none, Filter non...

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