Tamron365 isn’t just about street photography; it’s a celebration of light, shadow, and the art of seeing. Whether it’s a fleeting glance, a vivid landscape, or a candid moment frozen in time, each photograph is a piece of my creative journey—a testament to the power of visual storytelling. Dive into my world of diverse genres, explore my latest works, and join me as I navigate the streets and beyond, always with a Tamron lens at my side.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pretty in Pink

We made the most of the sunny weekend with a trip to Harcourt park. This post and the next two to follow, will show some of the quick photos I took while playing with the kids. Canon 600D, Tamron 18-270mm f3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD. Focal length 270mm, Exposure 1/1600sec at f8, ISO 400, Focus auto, VC on, Flash none, Filter no...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day in the sun

How pleasant the life of a duck must be - that is outside hunting season needless to say :-) Canon 600D, Tamron 18-270mm f3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD. Focal length 270mm, Exposure 1/1000sec at f8, ISO 800, Focus auto, VC on, Flash none, Filter none. Canon 600D, Tamron 18-270mm f3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD. Focal length 270mm, Exposure 1/1000sec at f8, ISO 800, Focus auto, VC on, Flash none, Filter no...

Thursday, September 13, 2012


For a change I am at a loss for words. My wife would agree that it does not happen too frequently :-) In any case, I've been trying for a while now to get something useful from this crane boat. But time of day that I can make it there etc. up to now made for some pretty uninteresting photos. In my view in any case. So, this is some form of an attempt to save one of my photos of Hikitia. I hope you like :-) Canon 600D, Tamron 18-270mm f3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD. Focal length 30mm, Exposure 1/160sec at f8, ISO 200, Focus auto, VC on, Flash none, Filter non...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day at the Spa

On a day trip to the TePapa museum with my family the local bird life also aimed at making the most of the sunny weather. This guy was taking a long and thorough bath with his/her mates. As requested by a friendly poster danielepoalo over at the DP Review forums, here is a full size image for your pleasure (Right Click|View Image to enlarge, not sure how to get blogger to show full image). Please leave comments, I would love to hear from you. Canon 600D, Tamron 18-270mm f3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD. Focal length 219mm, Exposure 1/1000sec at f8, ISO 800, Focus auto, VC on, Flash none, Filter no...

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