It takes amazing skill, patience, time and design to construct these windows. Hats off to the artist! This shot was taken on my Old St. Pauls trip a while ago. I just love the colors, resolution and detail.
My quick tip for shooting similar pics:
- Make sure you have a sturdy tripod.
- Set focus to manual.
- Set image stabilizing off if you have that function.
- Go for slower ISOs - ISO100 or ISO200. Stay away from noise.
- Use a remote trigger cable. Your finger on the trigger button can introduce vibration which may very well result in a loss of sharpness.
- Try and focus on the main subject. In this case it was easy to pick the left eye as the focus point.
Canon 600D, Tamron 18-270mm f3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD. Focal length 184mm, Exposure 1/8sec at f20, ISO 200, Focus manual, VC off, Flash none, Filter UV, tripod.