My wife's little flowers outside. Not much to say, but to mention these were shot hand held in a light breeze. I tried to snap the shots in between "gusts". I've applied minimal denoising in Lightroom. I cannot wait to get some close-up filters for this lens! So far not much I can find to fault the lens with except zoom-creep. This lens does like to go from 0 to hero (270mm) all by itself. Maybe it cannot wait to shoot at full zoom :-)
Canon 600D, Tamron 18-270mm f3.5-6.3
Di II VC PZD. Focal length 270mm, Exposure 1/250sec at f18, ISO 400,
Focus auto, VC on, Flash none, Filter UV.
Canon 600D, Tamron 18-270mm f3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD. Focal length 270mm, Exposure 1/125sec at f18, ISO 400, Focus auto, VC on, Flash none, Filter UV.